7762 rank

3,253,371 points

4,623 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gronk the Wrinkled   
Qunrir 6391 Gronk the Wrinkled 7,629,967 6,323
Gronk the Wrinkled    nil
Sinerania 6983 Gronk the Wrinkled nil 4,846,896 6,767
Gronk the Wrinkled    Assassin's Creed
Tuulech 7356 Gronk the Wrinkled Assassin's Creed 3,772,638 4,322
Gronk the Wrinkled   
Rugnir 7762 Gronk the Wrinkled 3,253,371 4,623
Gronk the Wrinkled    #42#
Uceria 8015 Gronk the Wrinkled #42# 3,132,636 3,957