11465 rank

412,563 points

5,120 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thea 1808 the Proud    Vesta's Villains
Dunarsund 1951 Thea 1808 the Proud Vesta's Villains 136,648,840 308,740
Thea 1808 the Proud    Pirates of Rohan
Xyr 10377 Thea 1808 the Proud Pirates of Rohan 1,314,142 7,068
Thea 1808 the Proud    Dragon Force
Greifental 11119 Thea 1808 the Proud Dragon Force 812,373 6,549
Thea 1808 the Proud    Diamond voyage
Houndsmoor 12860 Thea 1808 the Proud Diamond voyage 570,260 5,492
Thea 1808 the Proud    Followers of Christ
East-Nagach 12651 Thea 1808 the Proud Followers of Christ 559,665 6,122
Thea 1808 the Proud    Swords of Light
Jaims 11917 Thea 1808 the Proud Swords of Light 541,902 5,694
Thea 1808 the Proud    Diamond Traders
Korch 11887 Thea 1808 the Proud Diamond Traders 531,430 5,675
Thea 1808 the Proud    ~Silver Dragon~
Fel Dranghyr 12520 Thea 1808 the Proud ~Silver Dragon~ 502,737 5,782
Thea 1808 the Proud    Swords of Light
Langendorn 11670 Thea 1808 the Proud Swords of Light 496,182 5,622
Thea 1808 the Proud    The Vikings
Qunrir 11579 Thea 1808 the Proud The Vikings 470,466 5,253
Thea 1808 the Proud    Diamond Guild
Parkog 11369 Thea 1808 the Proud Diamond Guild 464,125 5,073
Thea 1808 the Proud    The 🌷Garden🌻
Noarsil 11659 Thea 1808 the Proud The 🌷Garden🌻 452,409 5,626
Thea 1808 the Proud    Dandelions Of Doom
Uceria 11838 Thea 1808 the Proud Dandelions Of Doom 440,837 5,092
Thea 1808 the Proud    Metaphysic StarGate
Mount Killmore 14076 Thea 1808 the Proud Metaphysic StarGate 438,320 5,096
Thea 1808 the Proud    RollerCoaster
Odhrorvar 11608 Thea 1808 the Proud RollerCoaster 428,194 5,544
Thea 1808 the Proud    Fluffy Bunnies
Sinerania 11665 Thea 1808 the Proud Fluffy Bunnies 426,347 5,267
Thea 1808 the Proud    Texas Republic
Tuulech 11465 Thea 1808 the Proud Texas Republic 412,563 5,120
Thea 1808 the Proud    🍺⚔️Judgement⚔️☄️
Rugnir 11994 Thea 1808 the Proud 🍺⚔️Judgement⚔️☄️ 398,797 5,091
Thea 1808 the Proud    GE4Diamonds
Yorkton 14441 Thea 1808 the Proud GE4Diamonds 159,413 2,690