11064 rank

1,734,713 points

4,140 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
xCATx    Beatles Den
Korch 1288 xCATx Beatles Den 211,531,753 89,766
xCATx    Swords and Shields
Dilmun 929 xCATx Swords and Shields 28,185,179 35,852
xCATx    Knights of the Realm
Arvahall 8173 xCATx Knights of the Realm 8,965,109 13,227
Zorskog 6488 xCATx ➖DARK MIST➖ 5,067,884 5,787
xCATx    Siege of Ages
Jaims 7643 xCATx Siege of Ages 4,627,985 9,853
Brisgard 11064 xCATx 1,734,713 4,140
xCATx    duyiuyir
Xyr 10833 xCATx duyiuyir 1,089,165 2,091
East-Nagach 11142 xCATx 1,066,636 1,699
xCATx    Guild 2.0
Carthage 5650 xCATx Guild 2.0 738,333 2,261
xCATx    Free Elysium
Uceria 10849 xCATx Free Elysium 694,759 1,184
xCATx    Inactivity City
Mount Killmore 12815 xCATx Inactivity City 686,337 1,377
Houndsmoor 12436 xCATx 675,009 1,440
Sinerania 10801 xCATx 636,949 2,150
Dunarsund 13111 xCATx 580,802 1,300
xCATx    kjhgjh
Fel Dranghyr 13378 xCATx kjhgjh 352,027 682