1166 rank

246,256,525 points

67,925 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
cieger    Sacred Friends
Dunarsund 1159 cieger Sacred Friends 265,554,836 60,056
cieger    Sacred Friends
Brisgard 1166 cieger Sacred Friends 246,256,525 67,925
cieger    The Sith
Houndsmoor 1166 cieger The Sith 243,545,169 85,454
cieger    Girded Warriors
Cirgard 1262 cieger Girded Warriors 232,386,395 54,227
cieger    Ivory Guard
Greifental 1244 cieger Ivory Guard 227,293,493 45,934
cieger    Great Empire
Fel Dranghyr 1570 cieger Great Empire 172,750,539 41,153
cieger    Sacred Friends
East-Nagach 7503 cieger Sacred Friends 6,585,907 9,257