12321 rank

1,091,071 points

2,950 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Warrior SIr Edward1    VH RULES
Yorkton 9518 Warrior SIr Edward1 VH RULES 1,206,017 2,439
Warrior SIr Edward1    Stars & Stripes
Brisgard 12321 Warrior SIr Edward1 Stars & Stripes 1,091,071 2,950
Warrior SIr Edward1    This is the way.
Fel Dranghyr 11270 Warrior SIr Edward1 This is the way. 840,090 1,877
Warrior SIr Edward1    5150
East-Nagach 12920 Warrior SIr Edward1 5150 504,444 849
Warrior SIr Edward1    Intruder
Odhrorvar 13651 Warrior SIr Edward1 Intruder 167,238 271