4453 rank

21,513,781 points

3,943 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Manyo the great    Drago
Mount Killmore 3767 Manyo the great Drago 41,352,577 6,489
Manyo the great    Sound off
Yorkton 3374 Manyo the great Sound off 32,747,386 5,298
Manyo the great    Knights table
Rugnir 4071 Manyo the great Knights table 25,981,849 4,471
Manyo the great    All aboard
Parkog 4069 Manyo the great All aboard 25,185,874 4,710
Manyo the great    C@L!FA
Odhrorvar 4154 Manyo the great C@L!FA 25,150,147 4,253
Manyo the great    Dog pound
Sinerania 4115 Manyo the great Dog pound 24,643,192 3,987
Manyo the great    Buckmaster
Brisgard 5086 Manyo the great Buckmaster 23,471,465 4,461
Manyo the great    Hammer time
Greifental 4694 Manyo the great Hammer time 22,813,817 4,166
Manyo the great    Den of lions
Jaims 4487 Manyo the great Den of lions 22,600,786 4,215
Manyo the great    Watcha
Uceria 4453 Manyo the great Watcha 21,513,781 3,943