1548 rank

144,317,072 points

12,519 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Edmund 777 the Valiant   
Walstrand 1548 Edmund 777 the Valiant 144,317,072 12,519
Edmund 777 the Valiant   
Qunrir 2073 Edmund 777 the Valiant 113,792,788 10,580
Edmund 777 the Valiant   
Brisgard 3568 Edmund 777 the Valiant 56,472,978 4,819
Edmund 777 the Valiant   
Birka 2480 Edmund 777 the Valiant 24,678,160 2,483
Edmund 777 the Valiant   
Greifental 4848 Edmund 777 the Valiant 22,387,527 3,154
Edmund 777 the Valiant   
Langendorn 8831 Edmund 777 the Valiant 2,049,385 417