4570 rank

19,937,214 points

23,561 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dani the Diva    The Armada
Qunrir 340 Dani the Diva The Armada 834,480,523 501,241
Dani the Diva    7empest
Sinerania 3492 Dani the Diva 7empest 35,337,261 31,756
Dani the Diva    Jambi
Xyr 4570 Dani the Diva Jambi 19,937,214 23,561
Dani the Diva    Lateralus
Tuulech 4789 Dani the Diva Lateralus 16,354,419 11,944
Dani the Diva    Eulogy
Carthage 2501 Dani the Diva Eulogy 8,845,334 16,160
Dani the Diva    Pneuma
Brisgard 10067 Dani the Diva Pneuma 2,727,720 7,508