3685 rank

32,075,004 points

52,669 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MCC1    🐬 High RiVal 🐬
Yorkton 350 MCC1 🐬 High RiVal 🐬 713,875,715 169,172
MCC1    ☠️ The SKULLS☠️
Fel Dranghyr 1938 MCC1 ☠️ The SKULLS☠️ 129,206,736 46,583
MCC1    Wildtopia
Vingrid 2273 MCC1 Wildtopia 84,048,297 58,060
MCC1    Mais Raiders
Xyr 3685 MCC1 Mais Raiders 32,075,004 52,669