4998 rank

13,010,411 points

17,789 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Plinthy the Patient    Scavenger
Korch 5515 Plinthy the Patient Scavenger 13,524,424 16,857
Plinthy the Patient    Solamente
Yorkton 4998 Plinthy the Patient Solamente 13,010,411 17,789
Plinthy the Patient    Solow
Houndsmoor 6509 Plinthy the Patient Solow 10,734,534 14,953
Plinthy the Patient    Solamente
Xyr 6351 Plinthy the Patient Solamente 8,739,157 11,705
Plinthy the Patient    Solamente
Sinerania 11547 Plinthy the Patient Solamente 444,630 1,145