17947 rank

40,524 points

141 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
pdxtree    Gr8fulDead
Greifental 17293 pdxtree Gr8fulDead 52,753 256
Cirgard 19004 pdxtree 52,283 263
pdxtree    Band of Brothers 60
Parkog 16446 pdxtree Band of Brothers 60 48,988 233
pdxtree    Oldtimers
Brisgard 21062 pdxtree Oldtimers 45,823 241
Fel Dranghyr 18408 pdxtree 43,654 202
pdxtree    Stoner
Yorkton 17947 pdxtree Stoner 40,524 141
pdxtree    Oregon Guild
Angkor 16959 pdxtree Oregon Guild 37,607 181
pdxtree    Army of VETs
Qunrir 17798 pdxtree Army of VETs 28,628 178
pdxtree    Forest Settlers
Korch 19035 pdxtree Forest Settlers 26,894 182
pdxtree    Imperial Marauders
East-Nagach 20386 pdxtree Imperial Marauders 23,846 52