5683 rank

8,195,410 points

3,692 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tkdbud    The Expendables
Fel Dranghyr 2554 tkdbud The Expendables 91,525,905 24,774
tkdbud    Knights of the Realm
Arvahall 7803 tkdbud Knights of the Realm 11,318,310 4,516
tkdbud    The Team
Zorskog 5683 tkdbud The Team 8,195,410 3,692
tkdbud    MonkeyButts 🐵
Mount Killmore 10113 tkdbud MonkeyButts 🐵 2,073,626 1,432
tkdbud    Warrior Tribe
Dilmun 4660 tkdbud Warrior Tribe 492,661 849