7289 rank

3,188,900 points

1,501 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
judyleebug    GOODSPORT
Brisgard 6857 judyleebug GOODSPORT 11,090,342 2,648
judyleebug    GOODSPORT
Xyr 6892 judyleebug GOODSPORT 6,738,498 1,906
judyleebug    Lords of Trade
Jaims 6934 judyleebug Lords of Trade 6,628,599 2,120
judyleebug    GOODSPORT
Birka 4525 judyleebug GOODSPORT 5,173,230 2,034
judyleebug    GOODSPORT
Qunrir 7153 judyleebug GOODSPORT 5,001,800 2,296
judyleebug    GOODSPORT
Sinerania 7073 judyleebug GOODSPORT 4,611,401 1,958
judyleebug    GOODSPORT
Walstrand 7356 judyleebug GOODSPORT 3,323,448 1,660
judyleebug    The Pride
Zorskog 7289 judyleebug The Pride 3,188,900 1,501
judyleebug    GOODSPORT
Angkor 7155 judyleebug GOODSPORT 3,060,214 1,633