11249 rank

108,740 points

318 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Brandi the brutal   
Uceria 7875 Brandi the brutal 3,437,253 3,224
Brandi the brutal   
Tuulech 8029 Brandi the brutal 2,471,924 2,420
Brandi the brutal    Amazon Sun Warriors
Greifental 9031 Brandi the brutal Amazon Sun Warriors 2,290,409 2,612
Brandi the brutal   
Mount Killmore 10261 Brandi the brutal 1,933,428 2,663
Brandi the brutal   
Odhrorvar 9140 Brandi the brutal 1,440,184 2,959
Brandi the brutal   
Sinerania 12195 Brandi the brutal 337,270 646
Brandi the brutal   
Birka 11249 Brandi the brutal 108,740 318
Brandi the brutal   
Arvahall 25403 Brandi the brutal 24,082 92