3385 rank

11,359,475 points

31,307 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Octamom the steatopygous    🌎Terranova 🌍
Walstrand 521 Octamom the steatopygous 🌎Terranova 🌍 466,197,498 318,640
Octamom the steatopygous    Guilded Lilly
Arvahall 4718 Octamom the steatopygous Guilded Lilly 37,011,096 50,573
Octamom the steatopygous    Swords of Light
Fel Dranghyr 5713 Octamom the steatopygous Swords of Light 13,302,251 19,053
Octamom the steatopygous    No Demands
Birka 3385 Octamom the steatopygous No Demands 11,359,475 31,307