4336 rank

6,485,001 points

3,600 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jemper68    Forge Masters
Dilmun 1651 jemper68 Forge Masters 14,473,722 6,333
jemper68    The Round Table
Cirgard 7187 jemper68 The Round Table 7,611,176 4,120
jemper68    Zero Expectations
Birka 4336 jemper68 Zero Expectations 6,485,001 3,600
jemper68    Anaconda
Carthage 3337 jemper68 Anaconda 5,345,229 3,632
jemper68    aqua knights
Uceria 7352 jemper68 aqua knights 4,796,952 5,624
jemper68    Forged in Honor
Tuulech 7189 jemper68 Forged in Honor 4,400,645 4,117