4191 rank

2,028,673 points

3,891 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Donna the Lovely    🏴‍☠️The Loch 🏴‍☠️
Angkor 2114 Donna the Lovely 🏴‍☠️The Loch 🏴‍☠️ 58,897,956 64,771
Donna the Lovely    ➖DARK MIST➖
Zorskog 3644 Donna the Lovely ➖DARK MIST➖ 22,989,816 18,081
Donna the Lovely    The Loch
Brisgard 5235 Donna the Lovely The Loch 21,899,555 23,458
Donna the Lovely    Loch Raeburn
Xyr 4780 Donna the Lovely Loch Raeburn 18,076,438 10,948
Donna the Lovely    Solo 4 Now
Yorkton 4369 Donna the Lovely Solo 4 Now 18,037,684 18,423
Donna the Lovely    Flying Solo
Odhrorvar 5338 Donna the Lovely Flying Solo 13,026,691 8,440
Donna the Lovely    Dragon Lore
Vingrid 7666 Donna the Lovely Dragon Lore 3,649,931 5,584
Donna the Lovely    The Loch
Carthage 4191 Donna the Lovely The Loch 2,028,673 3,891