2704 rank

7,607,157 points

11,196 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
GreaseLime    Queens retreat
East-Nagach 1005 GreaseLime Queens retreat 315,963,981 79,719
GreaseLime    AS YOU WISH.
Brisgard 2773 GreaseLime AS YOU WISH. 79,855,085 17,312
GreaseLime    Decaf Rising
Cirgard 2943 GreaseLime Decaf Rising 61,839,530 11,501
GreaseLime    Rock Army
Dunarsund 3603 GreaseLime Rock Army 48,117,739 19,072
GreaseLime    Diamonds R Us
Fel Dranghyr 3637 GreaseLime Diamonds R Us 41,272,804 11,350
GreaseLime    Judgement Day
Mount Killmore 4523 GreaseLime Judgement Day 27,512,140 9,537
GreaseLime    knights of old
Houndsmoor 4583 GreaseLime knights of old 26,112,256 14,028
GreaseLime    Boss Phantom Legion
Xyr 4636 GreaseLime Boss Phantom Legion 19,154,991 11,601
GreaseLime    Paranoid Android
Sinerania 4679 GreaseLime Paranoid Android 17,306,888 8,955
GreaseLime    AS YOU WISH
Carthage 2704 GreaseLime AS YOU WISH 7,607,157 11,196