2579 rank

78,474,295 points

10,566 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
nimishpatel    The Shadow Warriors
Greifental 2239 nimishpatel The Shadow Warriors 98,857,736 11,632
nimishpatel    Overlord
Arvahall 2994 nimishpatel Overlord 86,838,320 11,467
nimishpatel    The Powerful
Brisgard 2628 nimishpatel The Powerful 86,478,539 10,903
nimishpatel    lets go fight
Houndsmoor 2575 nimishpatel lets go fight 81,131,070 9,908
nimishpatel    Wytches Brew
East-Nagach 2726 nimishpatel Wytches Brew 79,624,032 10,097
nimishpatel    death
Cirgard 2579 nimishpatel death 78,474,295 10,566
nimishpatel    Sylvan Soldiers
Mount Killmore 2784 nimishpatel Sylvan Soldiers 70,664,886 10,385