5834 rank

14,613,443 points

5,033 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
LothbrookX    Dizzy & Dopey
East-Nagach 2209 LothbrookX Dizzy & Dopey 124,691,255 23,412
LothbrookX    Grand Illusion
Angkor 1713 LothbrookX Grand Illusion 94,166,316 16,189
LothbrookX    The Heart’s Fire♡
Qunrir 2462 LothbrookX The Heart’s Fire♡ 84,938,924 13,828
LothbrookX    PARK'N FARM
Zorskog 2283 LothbrookX PARK'N FARM 64,780,311 12,481
LothbrookX    4 Diamonds
Dunarsund 3949 LothbrookX 4 Diamonds 42,656,854 8,042
LothbrookX    In Memoria Christi
Dilmun 1546 LothbrookX In Memoria Christi 16,263,343 5,744
LothbrookX    kings landing
Cirgard 5834 LothbrookX kings landing 14,613,443 5,033
LothbrookX    Mustachio
Brisgard 7523 LothbrookX Mustachio 9,089,424 4,008