12421 rank

654,555 points

477 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
pro55    The Mushes in lake
Tuulech 2635 pro55 The Mushes in lake 67,984,608 4,956
pro55    Alfa
Korch 10781 pro55 Alfa 850,057 508
pro55    just for fun
Parkog 10025 pro55 just for fun 840,495 466
pro55    American Freedom
Sinerania 10295 pro55 American Freedom 773,202 459
pro55    The Gardians
Houndsmoor 12229 pro55 The Gardians 726,559 483
Mount Killmore 12625 pro55 720,354 458
Noarsil 10674 pro55 685,927 458
pro55    DO YOUR JOB
Cirgard 12421 pro55 DO YOUR JOB 654,555 477
pro55    Clan of the Wolf
Arvahall 18483 pro55 Clan of the Wolf 221,338 445