6420 rank

10,979,685 points

3,071 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Honorable JimBob    The reichstag
Fel Dranghyr 5210 Honorable JimBob The reichstag 17,977,879 4,264
Honorable JimBob    Chaotic Killers
Dunarsund 5800 Honorable JimBob Chaotic Killers 16,512,898 3,496
Honorable JimBob    Deviant Misfits
East-Nagach 5958 Honorable JimBob Deviant Misfits 14,627,005 2,828
Honorable JimBob    Queens of stoneage
Brisgard 6621 Honorable JimBob Queens of stoneage 13,248,705 3,158
Honorable JimBob    Grenade Launchers
Korch 5682 Honorable JimBob Grenade Launchers 13,135,815 3,589
Honorable JimBob    DenBronco
Arvahall 7547 Honorable JimBob DenBronco 12,369,344 3,230
Honorable JimBob    Los Panocha Bandidos
Houndsmoor 6590 Honorable JimBob Los Panocha Bandidos 11,079,727 3,188
Honorable JimBob    I regret nothing
Cirgard 6420 Honorable JimBob I regret nothing 10,979,685 3,071
Honorable JimBob    Strong Sauce
Langendorn 6591 Honorable JimBob Strong Sauce 7,643,250 2,601
Honorable JimBob    the slow ones
Mount Killmore 7506 Honorable JimBob the slow ones 7,553,540 2,183
Honorable JimBob    Jadaween
Jaims 6752 Honorable JimBob Jadaween 7,553,424 2,191
Honorable JimBob    The raptor pack
Greifental 7143 Honorable JimBob The raptor pack 6,918,064 2,385
Honorable JimBob    The Abyss
Noarsil 7173 Honorable JimBob The Abyss 5,058,730 2,014
Honorable JimBob    Empire Raiders
Qunrir 8230 Honorable JimBob Empire Raiders 2,596,809 1,561
Honorable JimBob    Stanislawow
Sinerania 8064 Honorable JimBob Stanislawow 2,543,110 1,660
Honorable JimBob    Guildies
Parkog 8206 Honorable JimBob Guildies 2,314,095 1,276
Honorable JimBob    Farmer's Market
Uceria 8760 Honorable JimBob Farmer's Market 1,990,010 1,615
Honorable JimBob    The north
Vingrid 8767 Honorable JimBob The north 1,988,314 1,508
Honorable JimBob    Blue Dragon
Odhrorvar 8747 Honorable JimBob Blue Dragon 1,766,559 1,301
Honorable JimBob    The Dodo land
Yorkton 9381 Honorable JimBob The Dodo land 1,303,452 1,007
Honorable JimBob    Rosealenda
Angkor 8934 Honorable JimBob Rosealenda 1,235,981 1,231
Honorable JimBob    eutopia
Xyr 10899 Honorable JimBob eutopia 1,042,074 980
Honorable JimBob    Ya ya beasts
Zorskog 10284 Honorable JimBob Ya ya beasts 678,903 790
Honorable JimBob    Shockclan
Walstrand 10512 Honorable JimBob Shockclan 588,288 759