12037 rank

886,746 points

1,161 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Danae 1438 the Righteous   
Korch 8375 Danae 1438 the Righteous 2,957,672 2,106
Danae 1438 the Righteous    Pilgrim's Progress
Odhrorvar 9348 Danae 1438 the Righteous Pilgrim's Progress 1,291,784 1,140
Danae 1438 the Righteous    Ars Vitae
Dunarsund 12037 Danae 1438 the Righteous Ars Vitae 886,746 1,161
Danae 1438 the Righteous    Knights of Columbus
Cirgard 11725 Danae 1438 the Righteous Knights of Columbus 881,045 1,120
Danae 1438 the Righteous   
Walstrand 11402 Danae 1438 the Righteous 405,215 801