7386 rank

7,323,367 points

3,259 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
THELAW1941    The Un-Guild
Brisgard 6394 THELAW1941 The Un-Guild 14,569,961 5,017
THELAW1941    Grey Council
Houndsmoor 6605 THELAW1941 Grey Council 11,028,594 5,437
THELAW1941    Legends of Magic
Zorskog 5473 THELAW1941 Legends of Magic 9,192,210 3,491
THELAW1941    Seekers of truth
Fel Dranghyr 6945 THELAW1941 Seekers of truth 7,755,237 3,304
THELAW1941    Halo
East-Nagach 7386 THELAW1941 Halo 7,323,367 3,259
THELAW1941    Phoenix Empire
Cirgard 7277 THELAW1941 Phoenix Empire 7,311,698 3,363