9566 rank

2,287,817 points

1,543 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Erict3742    The Ærie DM 🦅
Yorkton 2064 Erict3742 The Ærie DM 🦅 89,941,840 19,441
Erict3742    Hogan's Heroes
Brisgard 8081 Erict3742 Hogan's Heroes 7,276,704 3,200
Erict3742    Spamelot
Vingrid 7406 Erict3742 Spamelot 4,351,652 2,257
Erict3742    knighs who say ni
East-Nagach 9566 Erict3742 knighs who say ni 2,287,817 1,543