9113 rank

2,197,357 points

3,540 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
founderone    Knights of Republic
Tuulech 5369 founderone Knights of Republic 11,706,832 5,500
Noarsil 5743 founderone 10,914,135 6,391
founderone    Loyal Patriots
East-Nagach 7387 founderone Loyal Patriots 6,988,590 3,852
founderone    Redfish27
Xyr 7640 founderone Redfish27 4,799,631 5,674
founderone    UNleashed
Sinerania 7256 founderone UNleashed 4,116,358 3,514
founderone    Fire power
Walstrand 7175 founderone Fire power 3,727,333 5,578
founderone    LandofDairyFree
Greifental 9113 founderone LandofDairyFree 2,197,357 3,540
Carthage 13034 founderone 23,073 54