5204 rank

19,142,759 points

12,459 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pompeia 633 the Spider    Free
Zorskog 622 Pompeia 633 the Spider Free 310,752,982 220,220
Pompeia 633 the Spider   
Jaims 2287 Pompeia 633 the Spider 90,345,856 66,229
Pompeia 633 the Spider    resting
Houndsmoor 5204 Pompeia 633 the Spider resting 19,142,759 12,459
Pompeia 633 the Spider    B2*
Birka 3490 Pompeia 633 the Spider B2* 10,494,855 14,333
Pompeia 633 the Spider    Texasville
Xyr 11926 Pompeia 633 the Spider Texasville 700,165 2,050