12494 rank

401,322 points

455 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Odessa the Glorious    Warped Wolfpack
Qunrir 4221 Odessa the Glorious Warped Wolfpack 26,995,919 22,637
Odessa the Glorious   
Xyr 7925 Odessa the Glorious 4,412,854 1,750
Odessa the Glorious    Ghjk
Angkor 8461 Odessa the Glorious Ghjk 1,579,135 1,496
Odessa the Glorious    Bbbbbbbbbb
Yorkton 9482 Odessa the Glorious Bbbbbbbbbb 1,243,716 1,047
Odessa the Glorious    Temporary
Mount Killmore 11298 Odessa the Glorious Temporary 1,226,767 1,181
Odessa the Glorious   
Carthage 5381 Odessa the Glorious 1,008,201 1,260
Odessa the Glorious    Temporary
Zorskog 10019 Odessa the Glorious Temporary 765,545 807
Odessa the Glorious    I have to
Parkog 10525 Odessa the Glorious I have to 672,248 559
Odessa the Glorious    Necessary
Birka 7864 Odessa the Glorious Necessary 632,265 596
Odessa the Glorious    Shining Diamonds
Jaims 12494 Odessa the Glorious Shining Diamonds 401,322 455
Odessa the Glorious   
Dilmun 5253 Odessa the Glorious 314,448 805
Odessa the Glorious    Tun's Tavern
Cirgard 15558 Odessa the Glorious Tun's Tavern 195,524 212
Odessa the Glorious    CatsMeow11
Fel Dranghyr 17848 Odessa the Glorious CatsMeow11 47,425 83