
9819 rank

Tomorrow Era

30,522,996 points

21,826 battles


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Previous player Hypatia 517 die Gerechte

Score - 30 days
King Nothing the Redhead
Hypatia 517 die Gerechte
Created with Raphaël 2.1.026,112,28627,215,82828,319,37129,422,91330,526,455Mar 5Mar 3Mar 1Feb 27Feb 25Feb 23Feb 21Feb 19Feb 17Feb 15Feb 13Feb 11Feb 9Feb 7Feb 5
Mar 5
King Nothing the Redhead: 30,522,996
12345xxxy: 30,526,455
Hypatia 517 die Gerechte: 30,509,933
Battles - 30 days
Created with Raphaël 2.1.020,75521,02321,29121,55821,826Mar 5Mar 3Mar 1Feb 27Feb 25Feb 23Feb 21Feb 19Feb 17Feb 15Feb 13Feb 11Feb 9Feb 7Feb 5
Mar 5
Battles: 21,826