
23030 rank

Industrial Age

307,318 points

193 battles


Next playerInternecio der Unterwelt

Previous player Arndti the God

Score - 30 days
Internecio der Unterwelt
Arndti the God
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0076,848153,696230,544307,392Dec 13Dec 11Dec 9Dec 7Dec 5Dec 3Dec 1Nov 29Nov 27Nov 25Nov 23Nov 21Nov 19Nov 17Nov 15
Dec 13
Lachtigall: 307,318
Internecio der Unterwelt: 307,392
Arndti the God: 307,208
Battles - 30 days
Created with Raphaël 2.1.004897145193Dec 13Dec 11Dec 9Dec 7Dec 5Dec 3Dec 1Nov 29Nov 27Nov 25Nov 23Nov 21Nov 19Nov 17Nov 15
Dec 13
Battles: 193