
3212 rank

Progressive Era

161,577,276 points

344,483 battles


Next player.Jim Panse.

Previous player Pkingman

Score - 30 days
Angelus lapsus
.Jim Panse.
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0156,369,219157,686,564159,003,908160,321,253161,638,597Feb 28Feb 26Feb 24Feb 22Feb 20Feb 18Feb 16Feb 14Feb 12Feb 10Feb 8Feb 6Feb 4Feb 2Jan 31
Feb 28
Angelus lapsus: 161,577,276
.Jim Panse.: 161,638,597
Pkingman: 161,366,983
Battles - 30 days
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0341,404342,174342,944343,713344,483Feb 28Feb 26Feb 24Feb 22Feb 20Feb 18Feb 16Feb 14Feb 12Feb 10Feb 8Feb 6Feb 4Feb 2Jan 31
Feb 28
Battles: 344,483