
27 rank

Space Age Titan

4,601,808,142 points

1,368,873 battles


Next player-Santana-

Previous player Die Angie

Score - 30 days
Die Angie
Created with Raphaël 2.1.04,386,537,8744,442,185,4824,497,833,0904,553,480,6974,609,128,305Mar 2Feb 28Feb 26Feb 24Feb 22Feb 20Feb 18Feb 16Feb 14Feb 12Feb 10Feb 8Feb 6Feb 4Feb 2
Mar 2
Trauergott: 4,601,808,142
-Santana-: 4,609,128,305
Die Angie: 4,597,552,595
Battles - 30 days
Created with Raphaël 2.1.01,344,7651,350,7921,356,8191,362,8461,368,873Mar 2Feb 28Feb 26Feb 24Feb 22Feb 20Feb 18Feb 16Feb 14Feb 12Feb 10Feb 8Feb 6Feb 4Feb 2
Mar 2
Battles: 1,368,873