Forge Of Empires

Rank Name Guild Battles Points
504 Legate Lanius 271442 652552387
Blackstar ★
572 Helmet McHelmerton 301530 574152118
The Council
684 NyotaMPG 157934 468863995
The Council
708 AppleTree10 325209 450134047
720 Kinam 280105 439688353
731 Verrens 228674 427892161
746 bothneral 163785 416511269
✨Nexus Lodestar ✨
757 Mandana the Terrible 719 235389 412307316
The Council
819 Aedesia the Strong 1001 227549 377934303
Ursus Syndicate
905 Red Forest Ranger 196298 335873340