
258 rank

Space Age Asteroid Belt

716,305,534 points

348,059 battles


Next playermai0124

Previous player Sturge the Fair 1072

Score - 30 days
Sturge the Fair 1072
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0603,552,768631,929,362660,305,956688,682,549717,059,143Mar 1Feb 27Feb 25Feb 23Feb 21Feb 19Feb 17Feb 15Feb 13Feb 11Feb 9Feb 7Feb 5Feb 3Feb 1
Mar 1
luque: 716,305,534
mai0124: 717,059,143
Sturge the Fair 1072: 714,899,582
Battles - 30 days
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0329,446334,099338,753343,406348,059Mar 1Feb 27Feb 25Feb 23Feb 21Feb 19Feb 17Feb 15Feb 13Feb 11Feb 9Feb 7Feb 5Feb 3Feb 1
Mar 1
Battles: 348,059