Forge Of Empires

Rank Name Guild Battles Points
ƤɍɝĐąŦȏřŞ ǤƦ
973 StarL1ght 193529 275805822
1016 MrT2 391440 260202676
ƤɍɝĐąŦȏřŞ ǤƦ
1082 jimmy9944i 118243 242509084
1260 Cramapple 134547 193807690
Board of Trade
1293 El Barto. 78844 187589371
The Academy ®
1397 Yipeekuyer 286148 171138823
Aos Si
1476 Rhea the Glorious 1168 100836 158111818
1511 Shuggman the awesome 93196 152206993
1568 Gallienus the Bloody 446 64906 144447013
Doomsday Knights
1869 still 133240 113346079