Forge Of Empires

Rank Name Guild Battles Points
|CiNqUe LeGGeNDe|
1511 Strogoff 221248 209067753
1534 La Scaltra Edesia 65 131955 205798675
Popolo Libero
1544 mamolino1976 119325 202667563
1784 Gabriele-007 60622 170052807
1800 Mic 74 219006 167163290
1814 La Pungente silvia 93062 165761209
House of Dragons
1838 Esmeralda Past 160115 161374553
1929 Michael Myers 82314 149940648
2019 masermind 104102 139221473
Hold The Line
2082 nwaps 70831 133468458