Forge Of Empires

Rank Name Guild Battles Points
The Forsaken
1122 LuckyTeddy 98603 194620194
1292 Alarion 65987 165618116
Ⓜ️ MegaFist 👊
1378 konagar 115470 155124106
😈 The Murder 😈
1455 jstaff 168026 146049376
Ⓜ️ MegaFist 👊
1473 Zokar 96869 143701227
Knights of the Spork
1525 Young Gun 135968 137899262
Lady of the Lake
1579 DiamondBunnie 57792 129745374
Knights of the Spork
1583 TRxx 115783 129360590
No Rules No Drama
1594 Crigs16 53404 128185002
Holy Hand Grenades
1654 nhanners 88804 122025727