Forge Of Empires

Rank Name Guild Battles Points
Alpha‏‎ ‎
82 Selene 1836 the Great 764445 2137819431
118 Ratin 552061 1782902638
119 carabosss 607643 1761587611
125 Rakk The Godless 543455 1731027694
Alpha‏‎ ‎
179 Sturgil 609074 1353367573
Empire Builders
183 Dragon Lady 16 425808 1339161872
Dark Haven
187 robert the terrible 200 403018 1323781543
Unknown Warriors
191 51-50 438550 1294258500
198 This is the place 428605 1276230575
Dark Haven
215 FancyTimo 394237 1226039506