Forge Of Empires

Rank Name Guild Battles Points
Alliance of Ages
2782 patrash2 59253 47800048
2819 Brennus 159431 46929055
Mercenaries of Chaos
2848 Kornflake 84707 45772109
Knights of Fortune
3085 Super* 67102 39614900
3094 kelorien 115128 39414159
3131 Cleo 1590 the Bold 84766 38509090
3135 Jolin the Serolious 142540 38423745
3148 KPOXA 149775 38038520
♠️ Aces ♠️
3212 Darksider war machine 147083 36623714
The United Kingdoms
3239 kitikouhikku 8456 36009567