
955 rank

Oceanic Future

339,114,793 points

238,418 battles


Next playerMagnificent Santiago

Previous player springer the nosey

Score - 30 days
Magnificent Santiago
springer the nosey
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0317,289,282322,819,213328,349,144333,879,074339,409,005Mar 5Mar 3Mar 1Feb 27Feb 25Feb 23Feb 21Feb 19Feb 17Feb 15Feb 13Feb 11Feb 9Feb 7Feb 5
Mar 5
chuckwingz: 339,114,793
Magnificent Santiago: 339,409,005
springer the nosey: 338,902,176
Battles - 30 days
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0230,668232,606234,543236,481238,418Mar 5Mar 3Mar 1Feb 27Feb 25Feb 23Feb 21Feb 19Feb 17Feb 15Feb 13Feb 11Feb 9Feb 7Feb 5
Mar 5
Battles: 238,418