Forge Of Empires

Rank Name Guild Battles Points
Deadly Possums
80 The Blitzkrieg 490416 1190293921
Deadly Possums
92 Stef1985 396578 1126319281
*The Guild*
102 Cassandra 1653 the Red 404819 1075401928
130 Gypsy Wizard 312245 954815257
Celtic Hellhounds 💯
133 Arya - The Jaded 317220 950928445
The Sith Builders
138 DarthTormentor 487176 927663739
Celtic Enigma
170 Slick3514 431123 828799786
Emerald Knights
227 Clo*ver 187766 669929764
*The Guild*
234 Cessura the Grey 330907 649790796
Terra Nostra Aeterna
245 *Black Krrsantan* 205495 625014303