Forge Of Empires

Rank Name Guild Battles Points
*The Guild*
194 .Rover. 577705 754852375
Emerald Knights
387 Musashi Miyamoto 339693 436483088
Emerald Knights
612 Henrik the Seer 252910 288645146
Emerald Knights
710 Orbweaver the Great 234270 247843989
712 Anti the Thesis 138662 247163065
725 NordicValhalla 136884 243043143
🥀Play & Enjoy🥀
742 hackbart 194145 236925754
Emerald Knights
760 Grilled - Cheese 139887 233267952
Terra Nostra Aeterna
768 Z is for Zabo 192652 231460913
866 flabeaver 122654 201875127