
1022 rank

Oceanic Future

242,756,328 points

93,346 battles


Next playerTimeshare4

Previous player Fishface the Brash

Score - 30 days
Frederick 1147 the Hard
Fishface the Brash
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0220,987,049226,453,075231,919,102237,385,128242,851,154Mar 10Mar 8Mar 6Mar 4Mar 2Feb 28Feb 26Feb 24Feb 22Feb 20Feb 18Feb 16Feb 14Feb 12Feb 10
Mar 10
Frederick 1147 the Hard: 242,756,328
Timeshare4: 242,851,154
Fishface the Brash: 242,618,639
Battles - 30 days
Created with Raphaël 2.1.082,96085,55788,15390,75093,346Mar 10Mar 8Mar 6Mar 4Mar 2Feb 28Feb 26Feb 24Feb 22Feb 20Feb 18Feb 16Feb 14Feb 12Feb 10
Mar 10
Battles: 93,346