Forge Of Empires

Rank Name Guild Battles Points
One Freedom
912 the destroyit 287994 193058157
1365 pollatix 126999 111934157
⚜️️ VALDONIA ⚜️️
1583 Hippolyta 2834 the Hawk 79520 90454139
Lone Wolves Respite
1633 Daphne 603 the Dire 103631 86495393
1635 PrinceHope 93344 86311608
⚜️️ VALDONIA ⚜️️
1703 Robinola 82098 81160604
The Next Level
1717 BeeKeeper of Forge 115738 80335498
1733 Emperor W 73856 79165651
The Merry Men
1801 treyn21 23180 75626812
River Otters
1872 Sir Elton 114704 71519947