
13221 rank

High Middle Age

173,929 points

89 battles


Next playerThe King of Darkness.

Previous player PastelOrc117

Score - 30 days
The King of Darkness.
Created with Raphaël 2.1.087,088108,918130,749152,579174,409Feb 27Feb 25Feb 23Feb 21Feb 19Feb 17Feb 15Feb 13Feb 11Feb 9Feb 7Feb 5Feb 3Feb 1Jan 30
Feb 27
syp2015: 173,929
The King of Darkness.: 173,946
PastelOrc117: 173,904
Battles - 30 days
Created with Raphaël 2.1.08889899090Feb 27Feb 25Feb 23Feb 21Feb 19Feb 17Feb 15Feb 13Feb 11Feb 9Feb 7Feb 5Feb 3Feb 1Jan 30
Feb 27
Battles: 89