Forge Of Empires

Rank Name Guild Battles Points
CoreFare C
864 Richard Hurts 332823 89917875
1175 Aud the Tsunami 191702 60107340
Knights Uprising
1309 Mika the Anchor 108745 51058312
CoreFare C
1391 The Stew 97166 46090824
1425 Constantine 9060 the Sly 112089 44485704
1445 Dygard 113566 43689085
Roman Republic
1484 Jaypee the Daring 60387 41833223
Galaxy Quest
1522 Belinus 1088 the Warrior 22863 39973665
Knights Uprising
1616 Radcliffe Hammerhand 106799 35929002
1634 Sweet Tater 117316 35416638