
15200 rank

Progressive Era

237,515 points

265 battles


Next playerSassenach88

Previous player Scott the first

Score - 30 days
Jeanne 101 the Great
Scott the first
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0059,422118,843178,265237,686Dec 12Dec 10Dec 8Dec 6Dec 4Dec 2Nov 30Nov 28Nov 26Nov 24Nov 22Nov 20Nov 18Nov 16Nov 14
Dec 12
Jeanne 101 the Great: 237,515
Sassenach88: 237,686
Scott the first: 237,502
Battles - 30 days
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0066133199265Dec 12Dec 10Dec 8Dec 6Dec 4Dec 2Nov 30Nov 28Nov 26Nov 24Nov 22Nov 20Nov 18Nov 16Nov 14
Dec 12
Battles: 265