
13973 rank

Progressive Era

352,161 points

298 battles


Next playerBraveLolDoll

Previous player thermalmgt

Score - 30 days
Marcus 1295 the Lion
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0339,664342,789345,914349,039352,164Mar 10Mar 8Mar 6Mar 4Mar 2Feb 28Feb 26Feb 24Feb 22Feb 20Feb 18Feb 16Feb 14Feb 12Feb 10
Mar 10
Marcus 1295 the Lion: 352,161
BraveLolDoll: 352,164
thermalmgt: 352,105
Battles - 30 days
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0297298298299299Mar 10Mar 8Mar 6Mar 4Mar 2Feb 28Feb 26Feb 24Feb 22Feb 20Feb 18Feb 16Feb 14Feb 12Feb 10
Mar 10
Battles: 298