Forge Of Empires

Rank Name Guild Battles Points
Rogue Knights
1125 occuldwynn 238153 291271619
1131 Sodakian 204286 289228301
Four Kings
1188 Onge The Great Dane 216756 267887362
⚡The Art of War⚡
1360 Justina 1433 the Wise 220992 224736175
Forsaken Embers
1393 Jon the Impaler 327 160071 216711626
1396 Sir Kencho the Great 98017 216213208
1457 Black Knight of Westeros 230603 204004153
1655 Dubbin Hill 98361 173033911
A new hope
1731 gashat 243129 161611635
Force Of Nature
1734 Jungle Rob 106255 161424410