
10212 rank

Colonial Age

937,861 points

1,144 battles


Next playerkingAnoush

Previous player Ricardo the ditherer

Score - 30 days
Hang Five
Ricardo the ditherer
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0937,580937,695937,811937,926938,041Dec 12Dec 10Dec 8Dec 6Dec 4Dec 2Nov 30Nov 28Nov 26Nov 24Nov 22Nov 20Nov 18Nov 16Nov 14
Dec 12
Hang Five: 937,861
kingAnoush: 938,041
Ricardo the ditherer: 937,580
Battles - 30 days
Created with Raphaël 2.1.01,1431,1441,1441,1451,145Dec 12Dec 10Dec 8Dec 6Dec 4Dec 2Nov 30Nov 28Nov 26Nov 24Nov 22Nov 20Nov 18Nov 16Nov 14
Dec 12
Battles: 1,144